Posts Tagged ‘weeds’

Weeding the drive and border

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

This is a job long overdue. I spent many days last year removing all the Ground-elder from the border under the hedge, dug out all the soil and replaced with new. You wouldn’t think so this year, the Ground-elder is back, but I think this time it’s worse because of the new soil in the border. I like to garden organically, so no weed killer, just hoe, trowel and spade to dig it out by hand. While I’m attending to the border under the hawthorn hedge, I think it’s time to attend to the gravel drive, well most of the pea size gravel has gone, and I’m left with a green drive. In the future, it needs a weed membrane and new gravel or larger pebbles to stop the weeds taking over, so this is my Bank Holiday project!

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