Posts Tagged ‘vExpert 2011’

Expert of the Quarter Q2 at Experts Exchange

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Two achievements in the same month of July 2011.

1st July 2011 – vExpert 2011

I’ve not had much time to reflect on this, because I received an email out of the blue just before travelling down to Devon and Cornwall on the Friday 1st July 2011!

10 July 2011 – Q2 2011 Expert of the Quarter at Experts Exchange

So, I need a hatrick now.

?? July 2011 – ????

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I’m a VMware vExpert 2011

Friday, July 1st, 2011

I’ve just recieved the following email.

Dear Andy,

We’re pleased to designate you as a vExpert 2011 as recognition of your contributions to the VMware, virtualization, and cloud computing communities. You’ve done work above and beyond, and we’re delighted to communicate more closely, to share resources, and to offer other opportunities for greater interaction throughout the year as we continue to grow knowledge and success in the community of IT professionals. Welcome to the vExpert 2011 Program!

VMware vExpert 2011

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