Posts Tagged ‘red admiral butterfly’

Summer’s End

Friday, September 18th, 2015

At Summer’s End, as the Autumnal Equinox approaches (23 September 2015), the butterflies grab a last nectar bite, before the Buddleia Davidii stops flowering, when the day is warm, and the sun is out. Here are a few snaps I took with my age-ing (2013) Google Nexus 4 running Android 5.x something, unedited, not tampered with, straight off the phone, just shrunk an reduced in size. (as I’m often asked, what digital SLR, and macro lens did I use – Answer NONE!)

You can see by the tatty wings on these butterflies, these are old butterflies….

Red Admiral Butterfly Vanessa Atalanta

Red Admiral Butterfly Vanessa Atalanta

Red Admiral Butterfly Vanessa Atalanta

Red Admiral Butterfly Vanessa Atalanta

Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria ssp. tircis

Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria ssp. tircis

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