Posts Tagged ‘pH’

Andy’s got a new camera – A CANON PowerShot SX50 HS

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Yes, I’ve purchased a new camera, A CANON PowerShot SX50 HS, and yes, it’s a “Bridge Camera”. A halfway house between a compact and D-SLR. I already have a compact camera, and D-SLR, so needed something in the middle, and this boasts a 50x optical zoom lens, equivalent to a 1200mm conventional telephoto lens.

I’m very impressed with the first photographs….(click for full image, straight from camera, no image processing, 12Megapixel – JPEG).

In this first photograph, if you look carefully, you will see our, two Doves on the chimney pots…

0x (no zoom)

0x (no zoom)

in this photograph, at 50x (1200mm) zoom, handheld, no tripod, you can see the Dove, and also notice the lichens on the chimney pot!

50x Optical Zoom

50x Optical Zoom

I don’t know how this camera does it, holding a camera in my hand at 50x optical zoom, with Image Stablisation, and it’s able to give me good photograph, with my shaking hands! (I would recommend a tripod! but without, gives good results)

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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 21 – This got my attention, late last night, Seneye High Temperature Alert!

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011


I’m currently evaluating a new product for the Aquarium, it’s called a Seneye. It claims “the biggest innovation in aquatics has arrived”, after the mad panic, of rushing out to the fish house early this morning, it was a false alarm! (Tropical fresh water temperature range is from 22 – 32 Deg C).

It seems to be having teething issues!

Watch out for my review later….

UPDATE: This was caused by a bug in the software, as you can see on the Seneye screenshot, I’m running version 114, Seneye stated “Additional error checking code had been added into the latest version of the seneye connect PC software which should stop these incorrect readings.” I’ve download version 118, and will install shortly.

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