Posts Tagged ‘Koi’

Tropical Fish Shops in Hull

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Last Friday 5th June, I had some spare time in Hull, so spent the day driving around visiting the local Tropical Fish shops in and around Hull.

Here are some comments on the lfs I visited

Frisby Aquatics, 115 Sculcoates Lane, Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, HU5 1DN

Located here

Frisby Aquatics is stacked with fish tanks, majority of the smaller tanks are filtered with undergravel filters, the larger tanks are filter with large external filters. When I visited there are many different types of livebearers, cichlids – young angelfish, and if you are an african rift lake cichlids fan, this is the place to obtain some nice large specimens. They also had two large arrowanas as well.

Ings Lane Garden And Water Garden Centre Ltd, Ings Lane, Dunswell, Hull, East Yorkshire, United Hull, East Yorkshire HU6 0AL

Located here.

A very nice modern and clean tropical fish section, the usual John Allan tanks or similar and central filtration system. Good lighting. This place is great, nice synodontis and L number catfish.

and the water garden section is fantastic, what can I say, the Koi on display are fantastic.

This place would encourage me to replace the front lawn with a large koi pond!

The koi are execellent!

Maidenhead Aquatics @ Beverley, Peter Barratt Garden Centre, Hull Road, Woodmansey, HU17 0RS

Friendly staff, the usual Maidenhead setup, with central filtration, lots of fish, and on visiting they had some Electric Blue Jack Dempseys, and I purchased some young Nicaraguen Cichlids to add to my collection, I also have some young males, that these young females will pair up with, and Peter Barratts has a nice coffee shop, to have an expresso!

Located here

Outlet Garden Centre, Hull Road Woodmansey HU17 0RU

I’ve never been here before, and was surprised they stocked some marine, tropical, coldwater fish and reptiles. Many tanks on the far wall. They also had lots of hardware and goods on display, some with dust on, so they don’t sell much of it!

Located here

KKC 6 Astral Rd Hessle East Yorkshire United Kingdom HU13 9DD

Located here 

Located on a housing estate, behind the back of someones house! (hedge could do with cutting!) A fantastic supply of livebearers, guppies, platies and mollies, some very nice blue and blood red guppies for sale. Looks like a much larger version of my fish house, no prices displayed on anything though!

and the marine section .


If you need any tropical marine fish, you need to go to KKC!

I’ve never seen so many different clown fish. There are hundreds of tropical marine fish for sale.

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Under Pressure!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

I’ve been using two Hailea piston based, ACO-308 and ACO-208 air-pumps to provide air in the fish house, using a 22mm ring main “air-reservoir”. I purchased the first ACO-208 in September 2005, and when my generic 40lpm “Hi-Blow” failed when I moved just under tweleve months ago, purchased another larger ACO-308 to add to the “air-reservoir”. I’ve never really been happy with the amount of air, especially in the deeper tanks (> 2 foot). I switched to Hailea because they were cheaper to run, but I’ve since found, they cannot deliver the pressure and are noisy, my master bedroom is above the fish house, and I can hear the pumps through the floor!

So I’ve recently purchased a Japanese Secoh SLL-50, but I still wasn’t getting the required pressure required. After consultation with a DIY expert, we will call him SimonL at work, he mentioned that I needed to use 15mm and 22mm inserts in the Speedfit piping, and also cut the pipe using a poly pipe cutter, not a hacksaw (I knew this bit, but I didn’t think it would really matter!). I borrowed SimonL’s poly pipe cutter to re-cut all lengths of pipe, and disappeared to ScrewFix to purchase some pipe inserts (well I didn’t know, it didn’t say it on the pack!), re-assembled the ring main “air-reservoir” and like magic plenty of pressure!

Re-visited the fish house, 30 minutes later to find no air! I thought the ring main had failed, it wasn’t the ring main but the back-pressure on the diaphragms in the Secoh SLL-50, that had failed! I’d forgotten to open the bleed valve on the ring main, which usually feeds into a large volume of water, that I use to change in the tanks. So I purchased a Service Kit from KoiKit by JustKoi. Fantastic service, the service kit arrived promptly, Secoh pump serviced, diaphragms replaced, and to prevent this happening again I purchased Pressure Relief Valve and Pressure Guage Assembley from, again Fantastic Customer Service, tell David I sent you!

This pressure relief valve is a pump protection device against over pressurisation. The valve will safely vent off any pressure over 0.2 Bar, and it’s been doing that!

I think I’ve got too much air now! But the leaks in the “air-reservoir” are fixed – Thanks SimonL

Secoh SLL-50
Secoh SLL-50 “Hi-Blow” Pump, with pressure relief valve and pressure guage assembley inline and connected to “air-reservoir”

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Young Koi Angelfish

Monday, October 3rd, 2005

This is one of my special Koi Angelfish I’ve breed.

Young Koi Angelfish

Sorry for RSS users, I’m modifying the blog code, to add new features. So you may get this entry a few times, depending on how often you download the RSS feed.

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I can do anything with aquarium sealant

Thursday, September 29th, 2005

spent some time in the fish house this evening tidying up lose ends, probably
because it’s the warmest room in the house. I’ve installed, well actually I
dropped the bogwood into my angelfish rearing tank, which houses two unknown "plecos",
this evening there was evidence that the "plecos" had been grazing on the
bogwood because of the "bogwood pooh" left on the tank bottom, I would use the
scientific name bogwood faeces, but I think "bogwood pooh" sounds better, but I
think you’ll understand. It’s not uncommon for "plecos" and other relatives to
eat bogwood, The reason that plecos and other similar fish rasp bogwood is that
they need a substance called Lignin which is contained in the wood . It is
believed it helps them to digest their food. All the veggie catfish have finally
finished off the Tetra Plecomin, so they are back on Hikari. I‘m sorry I
couldn’t catch a picture of the plecos on the bogwood, there were two fast and
cunning for me.

Fish House pump covered in aquarium sealant, trying to seal the crack and
stop venting air, I don’t know if this will work, if not I might try super-glue,
but aquarium sealant, usually does well under high pressure.

I’ve also moved one large male Koi Veiltail Angelfish out of the quarantine
tank, this was the fish that was not deporting too well, a few weeks ago,
shortly after purchase. I think this fish, may be being bullied by the other
mature males. I’ve found a
Royal Pleco/Parnaque
L190 Panaque nigrolineatus
, this could me mine, I’ll have to wait
and see.

Had a re-think, about connecting the air-inlet of the air compressor to the
outside, more later.

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Red Dwarf!

Monday, September 26th, 2005

The fish house tonight, looks like an episode of Red Dwarf after it’s been hit by Bazookoid. I’ll explain and all will become crystal.

I completed my usual evening checks after work, and I noticed a low temperature warning lamp on Aquarium No.8 (low temperature warning lamp is lit when the Aquarium Temperature is -1.5 degree C below set temperarture), this usual indicates the heater has failed, but then I noticed that someone had not connected the heater correctly, after Sundays’ partial water change! The aquarium temperature had only dropped by 2 degree C, over a 24 hours period, the fish house temperature is about 27 – 30 degree C.

I also noticed that there was a pressure drop in all the airstones operating the sponge filters, this could be a pressure leak on the mini-ring main, but was found to be a crack in the large Hi-Blow Air Pump, I don’t know how this could have occured, so I’ve had to quickly switch to the new air compressor and ring main, which has taken several hours to remove all airlines from aquariums, and connect and balance the air for each aquarium, it doesn’t look tidy at present, because there is airline hanging down all over the floor and aquariums, hence the Red Dwarf comment.

I’ve also had a second attempt, at re-planting the display tank.

Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast…

Bazookoid A mini laser-explosive type weapon. It fires a green projectile, which upon contact with an object produces a massive explosive with a large blast radius. Be warned; this is not for close encounters!

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Additions to the Fish House

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

I’ve collected some Adult Angel fish, Syndontis Angelicus, An Orange Gourami and a handful of Kribensis from a local breeder in Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, they have decided to concentrate on Discus. All the fish are sexually mature and will help the gene pool here at Angelfish house. These fish have all gone into quarantine for four weeks, until, they are moved to other tanks. All quarantine tanks are now full in the fish house, so no more fish purchases for a month, and I wanted to purchase a trio of Ancistrus. I’ll have to find some room, anybody got any space in the cupboard. Here are the fish as promised:-

Black Male Angelfish

Female Koi Veiltail Angelfish

Koi Angelfish – sex unknown

Male Half Black Angelfish

Male Koi Angelfish

Male Koi Veiltail Angelfish

Male Silver Angelfish

Syndontis Angelicus – not an angel fish, but a cracking catfish!

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