Posts Tagged ‘iOS 4.2.1’

iPad iOS 4.2.1 Folders

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Now I’ve upgraded my iPad to iOS 4.2.1 I can take advantage of folders to organise/categorise Apps downloaded from the AppStore.

iPad iOS 3.2.1 No Folders

iPad iOS 3.2.1 No Folders

Now my iPad has only two pages with folders to organize the Apps, rather than nine pages of icons (apps) as before with iOS 3.2.1.

iPad iOS 4.2.1 Folders to organize apps

iPad iOS 4.2.1 Folders to organize apps

It does take some time to create the folders and organise the apps, and for some strange reason, it’s quicker to do it on the iPad, than with iTunes!

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