Posts Tagged ‘grey heron’

My Summer Grey Heron

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Travelling to the office everyday during the summer months, I regularly spotted a Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), early morning and afternoon, resident on the Bishop Burton pond, feeding on the many fish present. At first I thought it was a captive bird, that had it’s wings clipped, because despite the amount of traffic that passed everyday, it did not seem to be distracted. When I decided to start putting the camera and tripod in the car, it was never present. Sadly, I no longer see the heron any more, in the early mornings, and I hope it will return in the Spring/Summer next year.

Finally, in September 2012, I managed to capture these photographs in the rain, with my Canon 350D DSLR, and 17-85mm and 75-300mm.

Grey Heron resident on Bishop Burton pond

Grey Heron resident on Bishop Burton pond

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Grey Heron on Bishop Burton pond (75-300mm)

Whilst, I was taking these pictures the Heron, was very aware of my presence, and started to move off, shortly after taking these photographs. So it’s clearly got used to the traffic. If you Google, there are photos of a Heron on/in/around the pond, as far back as 2008-2009, I’m not sure if it’s the same bird, they live for approx 5 years, so it could be!

Next time I see Chris Packham or Simon King, I’ll need to ask them if I can borrow their 1500mm lens!

Until next Spring/Summer 2013!

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