Posts Tagged ‘generator’

No Electricity today!

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

I’m without electricity today, and again YEDL hide behind notifying you 7 days before the electricity is due to be turned off, and you have to make your own arrangements. I understand this is the minimum requirements an electricity provider must meet.

A few weeks ago, every third house in the hamlet, didn’t have any electricity. I have repeatedly notified YEDL about the state of the transformer supplying the hamlet!


As you can see it’s covered in ivy! That cannot be good!

A few more exciting pictures…

The water in the holes with eletricity cables canot be any good! Water and electricity don’t usually mix! Also a picture of the generator in the generator shed, supply electricity to the fish house.

Wattson 389 Watts

Wattson 389 Watts

Not been this low for a while, with everything in the house, unplugged, just fridge on!

‘YEDL – Sorry for any Inconvience’ – Umm, me don’t think so!

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Petrol Leak Fixed!

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

The pipe from the fuel tank to the fuel filter had come away because the clip had failed, and when the petrol switch was open, caused petrol to drip very slowly onto the floor of the generator shed. All fixed. Test started the generator for 30 minutes to check, the generator still worked!

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Petrol Leak!

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Lindsey noticed a strong smell of petrol today near the generator shed (generator is used to power the fish house, when there’s a power outage) which I ignored!, I’ve just investigated because it is rather strong and it would appear a pipe has split and petrol has been leaking from the petrol tank! I’ve left the generator shed door open for the fumes to escape overnight, and I moved the fire-extinguisher from the kitchen into the porch!

Top of the to-do list tomorrow morning in day light me thinks!

Note to self: Pay attention to what Lindsey tells me! It’s often correct!!

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