I’m without electricity today, and again YEDL hide behind notifying you 7 days before the electricity is due to be turned off, and you have to make your own arrangements. I understand this is the minimum requirements an electricity provider must meet.
A few weeks ago, every third house in the hamlet, didn’t have any electricity. I have repeatedly notified YEDL about the state of the transformer supplying the hamlet!
As you can see it’s covered in ivy! That cannot be good!
A few more exciting pictures…
- Wattson 389 Watts
The water in the holes with eletricity cables canot be any good! Water and electricity don’t usually mix! Also a picture of the generator in the generator shed, supply electricity to the fish house.
Not been this low for a while, with everything in the house, unplugged, just fridge on!
‘YEDL – Sorry for any Inconvience’ – Umm, me don’t think so!