Planted out my Rhubarb crown temporarily before it gets transferred to the allotment.
and a few pictures to show how my garlic is coming in planted last September 2009.
These garlic bulbs were obtained from The Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight.
We’ve been tidying up the garden before the Autumn starts on Wednesday. Lindsey cut the front lawn, maybe for the last time, and I’ve been clearing up and emptying the potatoe bags and planting my garlic that my friend (thanks Paul) bought from the The Garlic Farm, on The Isle of Wight. (keeps away the vamps!). It’s probably a little early, but I wanted to get it in the ground while it was still warm, and the autumn starts on Wednesday, so it’s probably not that early. I’ve planted Iberian Wight – a soft-neck early white garlic and Elephant Garlic – these cloves are massive. I’ll be planting my potatoes shortly for Christmas, and keeping them in the greenhouse.