Posts Tagged ‘Flash’

Flash in the pan! (iPad iOS 3.2.1)

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Well it’s on my iPad actually!

A few days before iOS 4.x gets released for the iPad…

There was nothing on the TV this evening, other than Black Hawk Down, and I’ve seen that so many times, so I got bored and enabled Flash on my iPad!

Flash on iPad

WOT No Flash Support says Adobe/Apple!

Flash test on iPad

Flash test on iPad

The flash elements appear as gray boxes and when you touch, them the flash starts to play.

Flash working on iPad iOS 3.2.1

Flash working on iPad iOS 3.2.1

So there you go, Flash on the iPad!

(oh, I did this for my Daddy, because he keeps asking me when Flash will be available for the iPad!). I think, he thinks I work for Apple (not!).

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Skyfire App for ipad

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010
Skyfire for iPhone or iPad

Skyfire for iPhone or iPad

The Skyfire App for iPhone, iPad appeared today in the App Store, the app will turn Web-based Flash video into HTML5 and play it on your iPhone or iPad.

What a real disappoitment, it’s not a true iPad App, and the up-scaling is awful.

My advice, wait for an Ipad version! and save your money!

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Flash comes to iPad and other iOS devices

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

so stick that in you pipe and smoke it Apple haters! So maybe you might be tempted to purchase an iPad now, it might do Flash in the future!

It would appear that Apple have made some changes to its iOS Developer Programs licence.

What the decision broadly means is that developers can use third-party development tools to create apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

What it really means is Flash apps are about to start flooding the App Store. A few are already awaiting approval, according to reports.

Let’s wait and see…..

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