Posts Tagged ‘FC-AL’

Goodbye Old Friends – They don’t make it like they used to!

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

I’m not quite sure if this qualifies as vintage computing, and it really breaks my heart to dispose and scrap this computer equipment, which costs many tens of thousands of pounds to purchase twenty years ago!

But it’s not been used in twelve years, and is now out of date and old, and I cannot keep it forever. You may be thinking what a waste – surely – somebody wants it, well – I tried using eBay for all my old vintage computing – but eBay is now trying to catch-up with Amazon, and it’s not the place anymore to sell, vintage, old computing, it’s full of tyre kickers, they place bids, purchase items, and then place dispute with eBay, making up an excuse, because there is not the subject matter selection, so they just select not as described, eBay then refunds them, and expects you to pay for the returned item, and let them keep it!

So I’ve abandoned ebay, I then turned to Freecycle, Gumtree and Sphock – but again this is just for people on stupid street, and the fact is the Younger Generation of Computing people today (“GUI Munchers!), do not understand all this stuff to be able to use it!

e.g. I did ask 960 students on a Computer Science Degree course, if they wanted any of this, and most of the responses were goes it have a GTX1080Ti, or can I use it to mine Bitcoins! and there was really only 1 student, which new what it was! 1 out of 960!!!!

Umm, not sure what they are being taught….

So, it goes to the local tip or recycling centre!

Very little plastic used, and all heavy metal – and after nearly 12 years of not being used, when I powered it on all 1TB of Clustered High Performance Available storage sparked into life….backed up now to 3 x SSDs, and all the 36 disks, security erased and taken to the local tip in carrier shopping bags!

3 x Compaq RA4100 with FC-AL Fabric

3 x Compaq RA4100 with FC-AL Fabric

Dismantled and stripped

Dismantled and stripped

1TB - 36 Ultra SCSI 10k rpm disks in shopping bags

1TB - 36 Ultra SCSI 10k rpm disks in shopping bagsAt the tip!

At the tip!

At the tip!

In the container at the skip!

In the container at the skip!

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Baby SAN (Storage Area Network)

Monday, May 31st, 2010

This is my new baby SAN (Storage Area Network), it’s a MSA 1000 (Modular Storage Array) with Active/Active Dual Controllers, Dual SanSwitch 2/8 connected to a MSA30 external storage box. Currently filled with 18.2 and 36.4GB disks to test and configure before moving any data.

Hewlett Packard MSA1000

Hewlett Packard MSA1000 - bright orange LED lit - Volume rebuilding!

This will replace my aging RA4100’s which are FC-AL, connected to host VMware servers at 1 Gbit/s to provide shared storage. using Compaq/HP Smart Array 5300 with FC-AL modules. Although the MSA1000 is now discontinued, it’s a real Fibre Channel SAN, and can be connected to Fibre Channel HBAs at 2Gbit/s, so potentially faster than iSCSI or NFS even with jumbo frames over gigabit networking, until I get some 10Gbit/s LAN switches! No longer supported by HP or VMware for vSphere 4.0, but then again neither are my RA4100’s!

Three Compaq RA4100s FC-AL Storage Arrays

Three Compaq RA4100s FC-AL Storage Arrays

The manual states, “Migration from RA4100 to MSA1000, removed all the discs from the RA4100, re-insert in MSA1000 in correct order, it will recognise the array configuration, and mount the volume, it should then be ready to present this LUN to your servers” – sounds too easy to me!

it uses a slightly unusual variation of an RJ45 connection, which further research indicates is called an RJ45Z. A normal RJ45 cable doesn’t work, because the Rj45Z has a special notch on it!

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