Posts Tagged ‘DJI Spark’

Passed my DJI Knowledge Test – I’m safe to fly my drone!?

Friday, December 22nd, 2017

You may have read, or seen on the news The Government in July 2017, stated in the future Drones over 350 grams, need to be registered in the United Kingdom, by Pilots aged over 18 years of age, and some sort of training course and exam would be required for Pilots to pass, to fly drones as a Hobby!

Drones – are you flying yours safely? (and legally?)

Parliament issued an update in November 2017

DJI Drone World leader changed their Smartphone Application today, and before you could fly you needed to Pass their DJI Knowledge Test, which had 8 questions about flying drones in the UK, you only get four attempts to take the test, and I assume then if you do not pass, you cannot fly your drone!

DJI Knowledge Quiz

DJI Knowledge Quiz

DJI Knowledge Quiz - Pass

DJI Knowledge Quiz - Pass

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Jack Frost visited last night

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

This short 5 minute 1080P HD clip was recorded at 8.30am on the 19 December, it’s not snow on the roads, it’s just a hard frost. It’s at approximately 30 feet above the ground.

Watch as I miss a telephone line by inches, and also look out for Angus!

It gives me an idea of the road conditions before driving to work…as the first two miles of driving in rural Yorkshire can be very hazardous as the roads are NOT gritted!

I’ve had a cold for a week, so not been feeling well enough to concentrate whilst flying…

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400ft 360 deg panoramic photograph above Meltonby

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

So today, built up enough confidence to fly at 400 feet, which is The Drone code Be Drone Safe proposed rules for safe flying of drones maximum “safe” altitude.

What I didn’t expect was the the iPhone application to crash, leaving my drone at 400 feet! It sounds worse than it did, because I was able to restart the application, re-connect to the drone, and issue a return to home.

I could have brought it home using the remote controller, which connects to the drone, the Phone and App connect to the remote controller, and in the event, it loses contact with the remote control will issue a return to home!

So panic over!

I managed to solve the issue with the App, by removing the video cache, and later this afternoon, re-visited 400 feet to take this photograph.

400ft 360 deg panorama photograph above Meltonby

Click to enlarge!

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Example photographs from the drone

Monday, November 27th, 2017

All taken using the DJI Spark

Our House

Our House

Our House from 250 feet

Our House from 250 feet

360 degree up on the Wolds

360 degree up on the Wolds

I’ll not upload anymore and bore you….

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30 second video clip of flying the drone on the Wolds!

Friday, November 24th, 2017

I’ve been at flying the Spark for 30 minutes today, up on the Wolds, as the sun was going done….and temperatures were hitting 3 Degrees C!

So here’s a taster of the future…

This was all rendered, edited, uploaded from iPhone via 3G from the Wolds! No PC was used in the editing of this short clip!

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Andy’s new toy is a DJI Spark – Drone Quadcopter

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

I’ve wanted one for five years, after flying a larger drone.

DJI Spark Fly Combo

DJI Spark Fly Combo

DJI Spark "Sparky" Meadow Green edition

DJI Spark "Sparky" Meadow Green edition

DJI Spark "Sparky" Meadow Green edition

DJI Spark "Sparky" Meadow Green edition

and this is a picture of my allotments

Gravel Pit Field Allotments from 350 feet

Gravel Pit Field Allotments from 350 feet

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