Posts Tagged ‘composting’

Horaah! My brown bin has arrived!

Thursday, July 16th, 2009
brown compost bin for roadside collection and recycling

brown compost bin for roadside collection and recycling

I’ve been waiting years for East Riding of Yorkshire Council to include us in the roadside composting scheme, and today my brown bin has finally arrived. I do already compost at home, and have 1000l compost bins, but I don’t have a shredder to shred the hedge clippings to include in my compost bins, so I have to drive to the local recycling depot and deposit in the green compost bins, it just makes a mess of our new car, and with 300-400 foot of hedge, which consists of hawthorn, blackthorn, bramble, elder and privet there are alot of hedge clippings.

Thank you East Riding of Yorkshire Council, this is part of their Target 45+ recycling scheme. See here

I’m so excited, I’ll go and cut the hedge now, and fill up my brown bin for the first roadside collection. (yes, I don’t get much excitement in my life!)

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