Posts Tagged ‘Chris Evans’

I’ve switched OFF and tuned to BBC Radio 2.

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

With the recent replacement of Chris ‘Saviour of Radio 1″ Moyles, on the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick ‘Grimmy’ Grimshaw, because BBC Radio 1, wanted to reach a younger audience, well BBC Radio 1, it’s worked.

I’ve switched OFF and over to BBC Radio 2.

I’ve tried, I’ve certainly tried, since “Grimmy” took over the show from 24 September 2012, but finally this week, I could stand it no more, and I switched over to BBC Radio 2, with Chris Evans!

A DJ I used to listen to on BBC Radio 1. So 13+ years I’ve been listening to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show, now it looks like I’ll be listening to Chris Evans, and Radio 2 in the mornings!

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