Cold Frame full of Busy Lizzie 'Blue Sky'™
Impatiens ‘Blue Sky’™ is the world’s first multi-flowering, blue Busy Lizzie. Here are some pictures of them in the cold frame before I put them out after the threat of frost has past.

Busy Lizzie 'Blue Sky'™
I need to pinch out the flower buds before they flower, but missed this one.

Close-Up of Busy Lizzie 'Blue Sky'™
These are still available as young plants from Thompson & Morgan click here. (I don’t work for them or have any association with the company, I just think they sell great value plants!). Because Thompson & Morgan have applied for a PBR on this plant, I don’t think it’s available from any other source. Plant breeders’ rights (PBR), also known as plant variety rights (PVR), are intellectual property rights granted to the breeder of a new variety of plant (or to another person or entity that can claim title in the new plant variety by, for example, agreement with the breeder or inheritance from a deceased breeder).
I’ve always liked Busy Lizzies, especially this variety with blue flowers.