Posts Tagged ‘apiary’

Andysworld! Secret Apiary

Sunday, August 31st, 2014

hey, another Bee related post, board with Bees yet! A very busy weekend, with the bees….and I’m very tired!

"wild" comb made from pure beeswax

"wild" comb made from pure beeswax

A week has past since, I’ve moved all the hives to their new secret apiary location, from my two apiaries, they have been now united down from ten to six colonies (hives). All the honey has now been removed and extracted, and the wet supers have been give back to the bees, to help them top their winter stores. (the super/shallow is the smaller box on the bottom of the brood box on top!).

Andysworld! Secret Apiary

Andysworld! Secret Apiary

The third hive from the right, was a small cast swarm from the University of Hull, which I transferred from a nucleus (6 frame box) to a national hive yesterday (11 frames), and I’ve started to feed for winter.

Today, I treated with MAQS, to minimize the Varroa destructor mite, and ensure the colony is at it’s strongest going into the winter, as part of my integrated pest management (IPM). The Varroa destructor mite, arrived in the UK in 1992, so since then we’ve had to treat against Varroa destructor mite.

So, I’ve got a week off, before I go back to the bees, and start feeding, so time to clean up, inventory the equipment, and start putting back in the “bee shed”.

(although need to check on small colony this week, to check they are taking feed down!)

if you look carefully, you may notice, honey leaking all over the floor, so I had to stop filming….to mop up!

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