Posts Tagged ‘Accipiter nisus’


Thursday, September 10th, 2009

As promised a few months ago, these are pictures of the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) which patrols our garden chasing the sparrows. I finally spotted it again today on my neighbours aviary (full of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)), so I quickly ran for the camera (already on tripod), fired a few shots, and then realised I needed to change to a zoom lens. So quickly replaced with a 300mm zoom lens and took a few more, before it flew off.

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.1

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.1

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.2

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.2

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.3

Sparrowhawk on aviary No.3

300mm zoom lens is the largest I have (it’s not image stabilized either)

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