My broadband failed today at 12.10, whilst I was trying to obtain car insurance, after a call to Eclipse Internet, and trying six routers, and a Thomson ST330 USB ADSL Modem, my broadband is kind of faulty somehwere between here and Eclipse Internet.
(Thomson is now called Technicolor, so if you after Thomson drivers for your USB modems, head this way).
So I’m operating on my Huawei E585 via 3G.
Okay, the latency is slow, but that’s to be expected, but the download speed is the same as I paying Eclipse Internet. Three (3) costs me £5 a month, unlimited, Eclispe Internet £24.99 (well it will be 2.5% more now!).
Might need to think about a fixed 3G Router for the future!
Tags: 3g, broadband, E585, Huawei E585