Cold Weather…

I’ve been lucky that we’ve been having some really mild weather for this time of year, although wet and high winds.

Not much to report in the fish house, I’m not having as much time as I had hoped with the new house, and DIY repairs to concentrate on breeding the pairs of fish I have.

I had hoped that this garage would have been warmer than the last, I think the problem lies, in the last garage, the “fish house” was built inside a wall of jablite, but it had a draughty asbestos corrugated roof, and garage door.

This garage is integrated into the house, so it only has two external walls, and the bedroom is above the ceiling, I had hoped that it was warmer, but my problem lies with the two very draughty barn doors!

One door now resembles something from the NASA Space shuttle, as I covered it in aluminium covered bubble-wrap, I’ve also insulated the flat garage roof at the rear with jablite, and the same aluminium covered bubble-wrap insulation, but despite what I try, I’m still losing heat. I may yet need to build a jablite igloo again.

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