I didn’t purchase any Red Angelfish from Petsathome, they didn’t look well enough to make the six hour journey home to Yorkshire, I was very tired after a long drive home, in wet and hazzardous conditions. So it was too much of a risk to transport fish home [long distance], although I did route via “Sunny” Scunthorpe and the Humber Bridge to collect the following:-
- A pair of Platinum Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare
- A pair of Twig Catfish Sturisoma Aureum
- A pair of Dwarf Hoplo Catfish Hoplosternum pectorale
Here are some pictures taken by the seller “Walter”.
A pair of Platinum Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare
Male Sturisoma Aureum guarding a clutch of eggs.
When the fish have settled down, and I’ve turned the lights back on the quarantine tanks, I’ll take some more pictures.
Tags: andysworld, aquablog, bblog, blog, catfish, fish, Pterophyllum scalare