New HD Video: How to create a Windows Server 2003 virtual floppy boot disk using VMware vSphere 5.0

I do not have any floppy disks anymore, and as I’ve blogged many times, I don’t do the physical! Some System/Server Administrators seem to have forgotten the art of How to create a Windows Server 2003 boot disk, very useful to have if you’ve managed to corrupt the master boot record and cannot boot your OS, it’s not a big deal if you have a virtual server, you can create a virtual floppy to boot in minutes and recover your server, and service is restored, and why not leave the virtual floppy disk connected, it’s not causing any issues!

This step by step video How to create a Windows Server 2003 virtual floppy boot disk, demonstrates how to create a virtual floppy, format, copy the required files, and boot your server.

[flv: 480 360]

(flash is required, sorry iPad users!).

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