New HD Video – Adding an NFS datastore to a VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi 4.x host server

As I posted a video earlier, on Creating an NFS datastore for use with VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi 4.1 host server, I though I would complete the next part of the series, and show how to connect the datastore to VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi 4.x host server. I’ve also shown in the video, the mistake that lots of Administrators make when setting up, by not creating a VMKernel Portgroup for the NFS traffic, and the connection fails, the video shows the connection to the datastore, creating an iso folder on the datastore, confirmed by checking on the NFS server, and uploading a Windows XP iso image, connecting this image to a Virtual Machine, and booting the Virtual Machine from the iso image.

[flv: 480 360]

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